The Road to Hell

I keep intending to be a good website owner, but I never do. I’m not even going to promise to keep it up this time, but I’ll make an effort. Add it to my daily routine or something. There’s just always so much happening and I have both too many and not any words to say about it. I suppose it’s inevitable that details of my life will leak into a blog, if I actually start keeping a blog, but for now let’s just leave it that my family is currently planning to leave the United States at some point in the next few years, and we’re keeping the return date as a TBD.

In lighter news, if you like stomach snakes or time-traveling frying pans, I have a couple of older reprints to mention. You can see my story “What We’re Having” in The Chorochronos Archives, an anthology of time travel stories, and my quite ancient tale “Gastrophidia,” the key that got me into one of my favorite webzines of the time (Ideomancer), is now available in Grandpa’s Deep-Space Diner.


“Hiking Tours of the Abyss” at Tales to Terrify